How Far I'd Go

"You're real one, the gentle kind.
You're not perfect, Lord knows you have some secrets;
But I will keep them.
That I see you makin' effort to show me you're mine.
If you only knew,
How far I'd go for you.
With you I don't have to romanticize,
See all that you are so I know just how to ride.
Over and over, we will choose each other together.
Make this really strong so none of it will be in vain.
Take me, take what you need and give me something too, please..."
Location: Vacation Cabin [Keyser Estates]
Body Details:
Mesh Body: Legacy Mesh Body
Body/skin effects: THIS IS WRONG Folk Materials Shine
Nails: Legacy
Eye: .euphoric ~Beverly Eyes Applier ~
Freckles: Izzie's - Freckles (LeLutka Evo X)
Body Details:
Feet: Legacy
Hands: Legacy
Head: Lelutka
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