Colour Red


"Open that window
Light  up that candle
There  is nowhere to go now
It might just be for now
It might be forever
Do  you like the colour red?

I won’t wait for you
Do you like the waves?
Afraid of the sea babe?

What a lucky pair we are
Full speed in this broken car...."

Hair: DOUX - Ni hairstyle
Earrings: e.marie // Tessa Earrings
Necklace: Kibitz - Savannah's choker
Top: OSMIA - Luna.Top
Nails: ~GD~ Doll Gorgeous(XL Almond)
Bottoms: OSMIA - Mona.Leather.Pants
Anklets: phedora. Leg chains Set v.1
Shoes: N-core MARIAM

Location: Home [Ginger Hutch]

Previously Blogged:

Bindi: Kibitz - Merylin bindi
Eye: .euphoric ~Beverly Eyes  Applier ~ 
Freckles: Izzie's - Heavy Freckles
Ears: LOGO Ilvanya Elf Ears
Tattoo: Letis Tattoo :: Kinari :: F200505 at N21

Body Details: 
Mesh Body: -Belleza- Freya Full  
Body/skin effects: THIS IS WRONG Folk Materials Shine
Feet: Belleza
Hands: Belleza
Head: Lelutka

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