Need You Around

"Open wide and let me see your scars
I bet they are nice.
You are bold you are brave.
You are everything I want.
My appetite for you is so strong.
I need you around.
Waiting on you to get on board
To have me on my knees
Should I beg, should I plead?
Are you playing with my heart?
The air you breathe
Exhale all over me
Your heart and soul
Let me see you
I want to know all your colors  

I need you around
You and your gentle hands..."

Hair: :::Phoenix::: Fiora Hair at The Black Fair
Lipstick: IDTTY Faces - Sang Lipstick from The Neo Japan Event
Outfit: Seniha. Cardy Set at The Access Event
Shoes: N-core GINA
Backdrop: MINIMAL - Hacienda Backdrop

Previously Blogged:

Face Jewerly [bindi/nosering]: ^^Swallow^^ Princess Face Jewellery 
Freckles: Insol: Facial freckles: whole face
Nails: [Dreamlight] "Taylola" Bento Nails
Lip ring: CODE-5 [ Pamerale ] FEMALE V0.04
Rings/Hand Jewelry: **RE** Quinn Rings Set at FaMESHed 

Body Details: 
Mesh Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Feet: Slink
Hands: Slink Hands - Dynamic
Head: Catwa bento 3.0

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