Beautiful To Live


“I want something good to die for. . . to make it beautiful to live.”
Stacey T. Hunt

Hair: [monso] Nimoe Hair
Eye Shadow: Veechi - Tove Shadow at The Fifty *Sponsored*
Eye Liner: Platinum - "Feline" Eyeliners
Lipstick: identity faces - lelutka glow collection *Sponsored*
Earrings: e.marie // Mariko Earrings
Necklace: (Yummy) Charlotte Charm Necklace at The Fifty
Dress: Havoc . Atlanta Dress at UBER *Sponsored*
Shoes: [Gos] Bella Laced Sandals at FaMESHed X
~GD~ Queenin' (Long Coffin)  *Sponsored*

Location: Studio ♥

Previously Blogged:

Bindi: Rekt Royalty - Shay
Eye: .euphoric ~Beverly Eyes  Applier ~ 
Blush: Autumn Shapes-Red nose & Blush  BOM  for EVO X
Lashes:Void & Minttea - Flutter Lashes
Eye Shadow: Platinum - "Feline" Eyeliner - Pin Up

Body Details:

Mesh Body: Ebody Reborn  
Feet: Ebody
Hands: Ebody
Head: Lelutka

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