

"Where do I go when you're not here?
Got tired of hiding
Blurred the lines and
Color-coded sweatshirts in your closet
And I borrowed a t-shirt
Cause wearing mine hurts

I don't know how to feel
So I'll just make believe
I don't know what is real
Promise me that you won't leave
Camouflage to you...."
Hair: DOUX - Ryan Collection hairstyle at The Legacy Spring Fair
Earrings: e.marie // Leila Earrings
Outfit: {HIME*DREAM} Ayami Outfit at Access
Stockings: [Salem] Venus Stockings
Shoes: G&D Pump Nova

Location: The Studio  

Previously Blogged:

Bindi: Lenore- Luna Face Tattoo
Eye: .euphoric ~Beverly Eyes  Applier ~ 
Freckles: Izzie's - Freckles (LeLutka Evo X)
Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Love Words Tattoo
Blush: Autumn Shapes-Red nose & Blush  BOM  for EVO X


Body Details:

Mesh Body: Legacy Mesh Body  
Body/skin effects: THIS IS WRONG Folk Materials Shine
Nails: Legacy 
Feet: Legacy
Hands: Legacy
Head: Lelutka

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