The Unrequited


"The sky turns from honeysuckle to peach,
Now the difference comes with using our teeth.
We fail to define the things we want,
For fear of unrequited...

But the appetite explodes whеn you're inside me.
I give you the bеnefit of the doubt,
And the benefit of my mouth,

But I want you for more than your frame,
Had visions of us sharing a name.

I never demand it, overexposure,
I know that you're scared,
But you know that I'm here..."

Hair: DOUX - Sam hairstyle
Earrings: e.marie // Jimena Earrings at N21
Choker: NaaNaa's Mariana Necklace Set
Dress: roslyn. lulu dress at Dubai
Shoes: G&D Sandals Namika at Cosmopolitan

Location: The Studio  

Previously Blogged:

Bindi: Lenore- Luna Face Tattoo
Eye: .euphoric ~Beverly Eyes  Applier ~ 
Freckles: Izzie's - Freckles (LeLutka Evo X)
Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Love Words Tattoo
Blush: Autumn Shapes-Red nose & Blush  BOM  for EVO X


Body Details:

Mesh Body: Legacy Mesh Body  
Body/skin effects: THIS IS WRONG Folk Materials Shine
Nails: Legacy 
Feet: Legacy
Hands: Legacy
Head: Lelutka

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