Miles Up Here

"You came into my life with no warning like a flash of light
And I was doing fine but as you came in, I watch my future rewrite.
I‘m not ready, I am not prepared.
I was so steady, on my feet but now I’m up in the air

It’s just you and me, with the world beneath our feet
We can see for miles up here
We can go wild up here
Now we’re taking in the view

These feels I can’t shake off
I’m in your orbit and I will never drop
I’m so ready; you take me as I am
You’re worth every penny, yeah I’ll pay all I can..."

Hair: TRUTH Horizon [VIP]
Eyeshadow: IDTTY FACES  - Deep Black Collection at The Black Fair
Tattoo: IDTTY Body Shop - Life Whisper at The Man Cave
Outfit: Seniha. Esmeralda Set at Cosmopolitan

Previously Blogged:

Face Jewerly [bindi/nosering]: ^^Swallow^^ Princess Face Jewellery 
Freckles: Insol: Facial freckles: whole face
Nails: [Dreamlight] "Taylola" Bento Nails
Lip ring: CODE-5 [ Pamerale ] FEMALE V0.04
Rings/Hand Jewelry: **RE** Quinn Rings Set at FaMESHed 

Body Details: 
Mesh Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Feet: Slink
Hands: Slink Hands - Dynamic
Head: Catwa bento 3.0

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