Own Thing
“To be unique calls for being unique in such a way that your uniqueness
doesn't make others appear inferior, and a uniqueness that doesn't crave
for anything apart from your own thing.”
Location: The Studio ♥
Body Details:
Mesh Body: Ebody Reborn
Feet: Ebody
Eye: .euphoric ~Beverly Eyes Applier ~
Tattoo: Mimmi Collection #Love Words Tattoo
Blush: Autumn Shapes-Red nose & Blush BOM for EVO X
Lashes:Void & Minttea - Flutter Lashes
Blush: Autumn Shapes-Red nose & Blush BOM for EVO X
Lashes:Void & Minttea - Flutter Lashes
Body Details:
Hands: Ebody
Head: Lelutka
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