War and Raindrops

"I'm for what you got time for.
Make up your mind.
This really ain't my style.

Si vou plait,
Don't need bouquets.
Just shut that down right now.

I need some space.
I need a break.
You need a break.
We off the chain.
This can't be love; this
Can't be war and rain drops
That turn into tears falling...

As far as I know, don't what the hold up is; we just cannot
Hold up.
You words don’t mean a thing, you messed up everything, you can’t fix this 
with roses...."

Hair: LB. Nox
Eyeshadow/Lipstick: IDTTY FACES - Night Out Collection at Shiny Shabby
Earrings: e.marie // Regan Earrings
Jacket: [Cynful] Cropped Bomberjacket
Top: [G-SHOT] GVIX Top
Skirt: [G-SHOT] GVIX Skirt
Stockings: Blueberry - Stella - Fishnets

Backdrop: [BH9] - No Regrets
Location: Private Platform

Previously Blogged:

Face Jewelry [bindi/nosering]: ^^Swallow^^ Princess Face Jewellery 
Freckles: Insol: Facial freckles: whole face
Nose Ring: November - Domie Nose Ring  
Bindi: Kibitz - Calicia headdress  
Rings: (Yummy) Galaxy Ring Set
Nails: ~GD~Mother of Nails (Dolletto)
Lip Ring: [ Conviction ] Bento Lip Piercing 
Body/skin effects: THIS IS WRONG Folk Materials Shine at The Level Event

Body Details: 
Mesh Body: -Belleza- Freya Full  
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Body Freckles: Izzie's - Body Freckles II (Omega Appliers) 
Feet: Belleza
Hands: Belleza
Head: Catwa bento 4.0

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