Like Seeing Me

"I’m exhausted by your presence.
I've been running on empty for too long.
I wanna know why all the drama,
Tell me why you causing pain?

Do you like seeing me?

You know your shit has got to change.
Make sure you know you made the mistake.
Your inability to put your trust in me;
Who do you believe to be?

It’s such a shame.
Didn’t have to be this way...."

Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Titania
Eye Shadow: Veechi - Evil Queen Shadow at UBER
Choker: November - Blade Diamond Choker at The Kinky Event November 28th
Jacket: SPIRIT - Patricia jacket at UBER
Skirt: SPIRIT - Patricia skirt at UBER
Shoes: [Gos] Phoebe Slingbacks at UBER
Location: Private Platform

Previously Blogged:

Face Jewelry [bindi/nosering]: ^^Swallow^^ Princess Face Jewellery 
Freckles: Insol: Facial freckles: whole face
Nose Ring: November - Domie Nose Ring  
Rings: (Yummy) Galaxy Ring Set
Nails: ~GD~Mother of Nails (Dolletto)
Lip Ring: [ Conviction ] Bento Lip Piercing 
Body/skin effects: THIS IS WRONG Folk Materials Shine at The Level Event

Body Details: 
Mesh Body: -Belleza- Freya Full  
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Body Freckles: Izzie's - Body Freckles II (Omega Appliers) 
Feet: Belleza
Hands: Belleza
Head: Catwa bento 4.0

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