Yellow Sun
"Yellow sun is shining in the afternoon
I'd really like to tell you but I feel it's too soon
My actions are dictated by
The phase of the moon
You're making me hungry
But what's really funny's it's not sunny anymore
And when I finally told you when the sun has gone
You're laughing 'cause I thought I was the only one
And the only thing that's left for me's the rising sun..."
Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Hoshi
I'd really like to tell you but I feel it's too soon
My actions are dictated by
The phase of the moon
You're making me hungry
But what's really funny's it's not sunny anymore
And when I finally told you when the sun has gone
You're laughing 'cause I thought I was the only one
And the only thing that's left for me's the rising sun..."
Lipstick: Veechi - Buxom Lip Oil at Summerfest
Earrings: Kibitz - Genia hoops
Necklace: Kibitz - Heart chain necklace
Top: Blueberry - Pride Shirts Wet / Dry - Shirts at The SL16B event
Shrimp: :::ChicChica::: Shrimp cocktail
Shorts: Blueberry - SL16B Gift - Pride - Shorts at The SL16B event
Location: Home [The Ginger Hutch]
Body Details:
Mesh Body: -Belleza- Freya Full
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Body Freckles: Izzie's - Body Freckles II (Omega Appliers)
Feet: Belleza
Hands: Belleza
Head: Catwa bento 3.0
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Freckles: Insol: Facial freckles: whole face
Bindi: Kibitz - Calicia headdress
Lip ring: CODE-5 [ Pamerale ] FEMALE V0.04
Rings/Hand Jewelry: **RE** Quinn Rings Set
Body Details:
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Body Freckles: Izzie's - Body Freckles II (Omega Appliers)
Feet: Belleza
Hands: Belleza
Head: Catwa bento 3.0
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