Full Of You

"There are so many things I’m lacking
I’m not super-confident or anything
My heart is real, baby, don't you know
My life can be changed by your soul

And I'll do it for you baby
‘Cause this love is hard to find
Exhaustion wears down my body
What I want isn’t coming to me

My head is full of you
Want you baby all the time
I’m talking to you
Nothing really matters between us
Just me and you....."

Hair: Lamb. Seventeen at UBER
Outfit: [RnR] Swag Miami Outfit
Shoes: Essenz - Aruba
Location: My home [The Ginger Hutch]
Dining Set - The Loft 

Previously Blogged:

Face Jewerly [bindi/nosering]: ^^Swallow^^ Princess Face Jewellery 
Freckles: Insol: Facial freckles: whole face
Lip ring: CODE-5 [ Pamerale ] FEMALE V0.04
Rings/Hand Jewelry: **RE** Quinn Rings Set

Body Details: 
Mesh Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body
Ears: LOGO Expressive Elf Ears - Bento Edition v1.0
Feet: Slink
Hands: Slink Hands - Dynamic
Head: Catwa bento 3.0

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